Friday, June 2, 2017

Auto-transformer operating principal

Operating principal

The operating principal and construction of auto-transformer is same of two winding transformers. Only difference is way in which the primary and secondary windings are inter-related. In two winding transformers both winding is electrically insulated but magnetically linked by common core while in auto-transformer primary and secondary are electrically and magnetically connected, in fact a part of the single continuous winding is common to primary and secondary. On same silicon steel core a single winding is wound so both primary and secondary sections of this one winding are on the same magnetic circuit.

There are two type of auto-transformer based on construction.
  1. In this continuous winding with taps brought out at convenient points determined by the designed secondary voltage 
  2. Here there are two or more distinct coils which are electrically connected to form a continuous winding.
As shown in fig the primary winding is AB having of whole turns in between terminals A and B. let it be N1. And voltage between A and B is V1. There is tapped at C to obtain secondary winding BC. It consists N2 turns and terminal voltage of V2.
Now consider a fig. voltage per turn is V1/N1 so total voltage across BC is N2V1/N1.
From fig. auto-transformer is look like a potential divider but it’s operation is quite different.
Potential divider
Can step up voltage
Cannot step-up voltage
In step-down auto transformer load current is more than the input current
Input current is more than its output current
A part of power is conducted and rest is transferred to the load by transformer action.
Entire power to the load flows by conduction
Not in case of auto-transformer
Great loss of power in the different resistances

Now finding the ratio consider voltage V1 is applied and voltage V2 is available across the secondary terminals. Neglecting losses.
                                                          V1 IcosΦ1 = V2 IcosΦ2
If internal leakage impedance drop and losses are neglect, then
                                                                   cosΦ = cosΦ1
                                                                                             V1 I= V1 I1
                                                             V2/V= I1/I2 = N2/N= K                                    
Where k is transformation ratio
In auto-transformer two-way energy is transfer first primary to the secondary side by transformer action, second by directly from the primary to secondary side as mentioned above.
How much power transformed and power conductively transfer is depended on the transformer ratio. Shown below.
In ideal condition mmf due to both winding is same so I2 will oppose I1 in the common section. Current I1 is flow from A to C and current supplied to load is I2. So current is BC section is (I2 - I1) flowing from B to C.
Power delivered to load = V2 I2 volt-amperes
Power in winding AC = EAC I1 = (V1 – V2) I1 volt-amperes
Power transformed = power in winding BC
                             = V2 (I2 - I1) =  V2 I2 (1 - I1 /I2) = V2 I2 (1 - K)
Ratio of power transformed to total power delivered = V2 I2 (1 - K)/ V2 I2 = (1 - K)
Power conducted directly  = power delivered to load – power transferred by transformer action
                                       = V2 I2 - V2 I2 (1 - K) = K V2 I2 = K × power output

Phasor diagram

First consider the direction so positive direction of applied voltage V2 be down wards i.e. from
A to B, so the positive direction of current Iround the primary circuit is clock-wise, and that of current I2 round the load circuit is also clock-wise. The positive direction of the induced emf is upward i.e. from B to C and from C to A. The applied voltage V1 is balanced by induced emf in there two sections, plus voltage drop in them. For drawing phasor diagram start from load side.
Phasor Diagram

Take a refence as flux in horizontal
Draw V2 in downward of magnitude of OA
Now I2 lag the V2 so draw OB lag OA at Φ2
Current in BC section is I– Irepresent by OC
Draw AD parallel to I2 to show resistive drop
Draw DE perpendicular to I2 to show reactive drop
Draw OE to represent EBC which is sum of voltage of load terminal + drop
Draw ECA in phase with EBC but magnitude is ECA EBC (1-K)/K
Draw OG representing -ECA
Current I2 is oppose to the I1 and in magnitude I1 = -KI2
Now draw the impedance triangle GJK for the CA section where GJ=I1R1 and JK=I1X1
                                                V1 = VAC + VCB = VAC + V2     
So draw -V2 LK and connect OL which is V1 


Theory & Performance of electrical machine by J. B. Gupta

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! "Potential divider" has great loss of power in the different resistances upon to Auto-transformer.

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